Lumen and Lux: What They Are and How They Differ

You will have heard the concepts “Lumen” and “Lux” many times in conversations about power and lighting. They are two terms that we must take into account to ensure an adequate amount of light and intensity in the points we want to illuminate, in addition to other factors such as temperature or type of light. […]

4 ideas for summer lighting with LED lights

Summer is just around the corner and with it, the days at the beach, the nights on the terrace and balcony. Summer is the perfect season to escape from the stifling heat of our house, the one that prevents us from falling asleep at the drop of a hat. It is also a perfect opportunity […]

LED lights: 8 false myths you shouldn’t believe

LED lighting has triumphed in the market thanks to its saving capacity, efficiency, quality and high resistance. There are many consumers who know and enjoy LED lighting, but there are still doubts and lack of knowledge about how it works, which has led to false myths surrounding it. At NTE Sistemas, we are going to […]

Swimming pool lighting: the definitive guide for this summer

Now that summer is approaching, it’s time to brighten up your beloved pool to make it look really pretty. Get ready for night swims and parties in style. In NTE Sistemas we are going to explain you in a very simple way how you can give that luminous touch to your swimming pool this summer, […]

The Unified Glare Rating (UGR)

Artificial lighting is an element that appears wherever we are. Therefore, when choosing the lights we are going to use, we must take into account several factors; among them, comfort. In this article we will talk about a parameter that tells us whether a light is comfortable to use or not: the Unified Glare Rating […]

Lighting in gyms and sports centres: the definitive guide

It has been proven that the impact of light on people can completely change their mood, motivation and energy. That’s why the right lighting in gyms and fitness centres is crucial for the performance and mood of sports enthusiasts. Do you want to know more about perfect lighting in the gym? From NTE Sistemas we […]

LED Lighting for Industrial Buildings

LED technology lighting is already a reality in various areas of our lives. One of its possible uses is in the lighting of industrial buildings. In this article we will look at some of the key points. History: traditional lighting First of all, it is necessary to know the past in order to understand the […]

LED Lights: Eco Lighting for the Environment

The introduction of LED lights has been a major paradigm shift in artificial lighting. This LED technology has improved both the efficiency and the lifetime of traditional light bulbs, which is why its use has been extended to various areas. Among the possibilities offered by LED lighting, one of the most important is its positive […]

LED lighting for houseplants: the complete guide

One of the main drawbacks for many people when it comes to having houseplants is the lack of light. Until not so long ago, there was a belief that plants could not grow indoors because they lacked light. With the various technologies that have emerged, lighting systems were formed that could be used for some […]