4 ideas for summer lighting with LED lights

Summer is just around the corner and with it, the days at the beach, the nights on the terrace and balcony. Summer is the perfect season to escape from the stifling heat of our house, the one that prevents us from falling asleep at the drop of a hat.

It is also a perfect opportunity to enjoy our balcony, patio or terrace and the cool of the night. That’s why you should prepare your balcony to ensure maximum comfort for your summer evenings of friends, dinners and cocktails. It is necessary to choose some good LED lights that illuminate your space, at the same time that they work as a nice decoration.

At NTE Sistemas we are going to show you some ideas to help you choose the best LED options for your summer nights, full of lighting, warmth and style. Let’s get to it!

Ideas to light up your summer nights with LEDs

Solar lawn lights

The best option to illuminate a garden in a natural way, are solar lights. Whether it’s to focus light on a pathway, a terrace or to fully illuminate the garden, this type of lighting is ideal for this summer. These solar lights receive their energy from the sun via a small integrated solar panel and store it in a battery.

At night, when there is no daylight, the LED lamp is activated, turning on the light stored in the panel. You can find all kinds of lights of this type, including ceiling, wall and floor models. Their great advantage is that they do not require electricity or cables, which saves energy consumption and makes them easy to install.

We recommend placing them where they receive the most natural light, so that they stay lit for longer at night. They can last from 4 to 10 hours, depending on the model, and are resistant to rain. What more could we ask for? They are also very pretty.

LED garlands for your balcony

One of the best options for your balcony are LED garlands. Why? They don’t require technical installation, they are easy to integrate, there is a wide variety of models and they are the perfect option to give a new atmosphere to your evening hours.

You can place the LED garlands at different points on your balcony depending on the type and the lighting you want. They usually surround the balcony railings from end to end, to offer a beautiful aesthetic from the street. It is also a good alternative to attach the LED garland to the balcony wall, either from the inside or from the balcony frame, producing a more striking effect from the street.

Thanks to the versatility of the garlands and the different types of light tones you will find, your balcony will experience a total renovation, with a magical and illuminated touch for the summer nights.

Sunlight balls

We are going to continue mentioning solar light, since, thanks to the advantages we have mentioned above, they become a highly recommended option to illuminate our spaces in summer.

In the case of solar ball lights for gardens, they have become one of the consumer’s favourite options. No wonder; they are really aesthetic, versatile, with no installation and a variety of colours.

They are automatically recharged by sunlight during the day to illuminate at night, are rain resistant and their battery life is usually between 6-8 hours. They allow us to illuminate a specific area of our garden, being a perfect type of light to highlight our pool.

You can find balls of different sizes and with a wide variety of colours, so that in addition to providing a source of light, they can also serve as a decorative element and create a unique and special atmosphere.

Light for parasols

Light up our parasols? It is also an original option to give a warm touch during the night. Think about the fact that you are going to spend a lot of time enjoying your patio or garden, so it is advisable to provide it with comfort and splendour.

In the case of parasols, they become a great possibility to brighten up the space where we are going to spend so much time. This type of LED light is very easy to install in the upper part of the parasol tube. There are models that include an external battery for the electric current, or some that work with batteries.

Most of them include a remote control to regulate the different degrees of brightness they offer and the different colour tones to provide a unique and elegant touch to your garden.

At NTE Sistemas, we are committed to the implementation of LED lights in businesses and homes, achieving efficient and high quality results. We are at your disposal to advise you on all your projects, contact us!

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